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Attendance Policy

Elementary School

The instructional model for elementary grades will be mostly synchronous with daily live lesson instruction in homeroom, Reading/English Language Arts, and Math. Due to the nature of the elementary school instructional model at FAVE, it is recommended that the following practices be implemented for attendance:

Elementary School (Daily Attendance)

  • As with a traditional brick and mortar school, attendance will be taken in all synchronous classes.
  • For students to count as present, they must be in attendance during morning meeting and stay for 50% of the instructional day. 
  • Students who sign-in after the morning meeting (8:00am) and stay for more than 50% of the day should be marked tardy 
  • Students who sign-in for less than 50% of the day or after 11:15am should be marked absent.

Middle School and High School

Students in secondary grade levels will have a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences. Students in middle school will receive live lesson instruction three times a week for each course, while students in high school will receive live lesson instruction twice a week for each course. As students demonstrate autonomy and aptitude for independent learning, live lesson instruction will become less required. The following attendance practices are recommended:

Middle & High School (Period Attendance)

  • Must participate in at least over half of the school day to be given credit for attendance. A half day at school is equivalent to 3 classes.
  • Participation in synchronous instruction remotely.
  • Attendance is required for all synchronous classes the first two weeks of each semester.
    • For students to count as present, they must be in attendance for more than 30 minutes (50%) of the scheduled class time.  
    • Students who sign-in 5 minutes after the scheduled start time and stayed for more 30 minutes (50%) during the scheduled time, they should be marked tardy.
    • Any student who stays in the live lesson less than 30 minutes (50%) during the scheduled time should be marked absent. 

Cameras On Policy for Attendance

  • Students at FAVE are required to attend live lessons with their device cameras on and use a standard FAVE or standard Microsoft Teams background filter. 
  • Students must remain visible on camera for the duration of live instruction to be marked present. 
  • Students may be off camera for teacher-approved breaks.

An IT ticket must be submitted within 24 hours if a student is experiencing camera issues and cannot use his/her camera.  If a new device is needed, devices must be picked up within three school days to avoid students being marked absent.  Exceptions to this policy may be approved by school administration. 

Classroom tips to maintain successful Attendance in a virtual classroom setting:

  • Complete and submit course assignments as indicated in Canvas in accordance with due dates to make adequate progress toward course completion.
  • Communicate with FAVE staff as needed via Teams, Canvas, and email.
  • Check email at least once daily and respond to any teacher or staff inquiries within 24 hours.
  • Adhere to the FAVE school calendar for attendance days; however, study time is flexible, students should demonstrate consistent progress toward completion of coursework.
  • Know that attendance is monitored daily through Teams attendance logs for synchronous meetings and through progress monitoring and insight reports generated inside of Canvas for asynchronous work.
  • Report absences within 24 hours. If communication isn’t provided notifying the instructor as to why, and having it approved, the FAVE staff will attempt to notify the parent by phone, email, or standard mail.